July 26

Cincy Deliver

Event Overview

The Cincinnati Day of Agile is Cincinnati’s largest, longest running, community-run non-profit conference dedicated to software development. Founded in 2010, we have seen incredible speakers, attendees, and sponsors as the conference has continued to grow. 2017 saw our largest conference, with over 550 attendees, 32 speakers, and 14 sponsors.

We also introduced Cincy.Develop() in 2017, co-located with the Cincinnati Day of Agile. We believe that truly exceptional teams are cross functional, with everyone working side by side to achieve a common goal. While we have always included technical content in the Day of Agile, adding an entire conference that focuses on the technical allows your entire team to get first class training in one day, in one place.

During the planning of last year’s event, it struck us that the conference is really about delivering software. Our selected sessions covered agile processes and scaling, development, quality, dev-ops, and soft skills. Hence the new name, Cincy Deliver!

Manor House
Cincinnati, OH
July 26
$65 to $100


Getting Started with Azure DevOps

Getting Started with Azure DevOps

July 26, 2019
1:00 PM EDT

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